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The Replica Football Shirt Crisis

The Replica Football Shirt Crisis

There is a replica football shirt crisis brewing in the UK. Football teams up and down the country are experiencing serious supply chain issues. Affecting supplies of this season's new replica football shirts. Currently only half of the Football League and Premier...

What other framing services do we offer?

What other framing services do we offer?

The Shirt Framing Service are unsurprisingly better known for our football shirt framing services. We did ensure it was in the name of the business when we started after all! However we offer many other sports memorabilia framing services too. Here's a few other...

LED Lights Who’s Bright Idea ?

LED Lights Who’s Bright Idea ?

For a long time now we have been offering LED lights and we have never really shouted about it. Now you may think that LED lighting that is something ready availible in frames but ours are different. We have tried for a long time to get a god LED light system which is...



Here's a tester for all you so called football experts! With the football season becoming a distant memory, here's an opportunity to cast your minds back and remember the clubs that may or may not finish the season In their respective leagues. We thought that...

Case Studies

Check out who we have been working with and what our customers have been saying about us.




Thanking Your Sponsors – Kingsway Rovers

Thanking Your Sponsors – Kingsway Rovers

If you're ever helped, managed or played amateur sports at Junior or Adult level, you're bound to know that financing the team is always a key issue. Whether it be collecting subs, buying equipment or even buying a kit, it can be expensive and difficult to...


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Football Shirt Framing in London

London has many football clubs in all tiers of the professional game. From teams in the Premier league through to the Conference. So we find that many people are looking for Football Shirt Framing in London.   Long gone are the days where you need to visit a high...

How to spot a fake signature? – Revisited

How to spot a fake signature? – Revisited

Unfortunately there are still a massive amount of fake signed shirts on the market. And the problem doesn't seem to be going away. So we are often asked how to spot a fake signature. Many scammers will fake autographs to earn higher prices out of memorabilia and...

National Framing Service – Changing a Perspective

National Framing Service – Changing a Perspective

We have written before about how and why The Shirt Framing Service started. And why we feel a national framing service provider was needed. Now all these years later going into our fourth Christmas we are feeling a little nostalgic. We believe it is still important to...

European Shipping

European Shipping

We’ve been framing for customers in the UK for a few years and are pleased to now offer framing to oversees customers as well! There’s been a lot of interest from supporters in Europe about shipping their framing projects to them, and we have worked hard to make this...

How to Frame a Jersey for ‘Cheap’

One of the questions we’re continually asked is ‘How to frame a jersey for cheap?’ Cheap, as we’ve come to experience in our line of work can often mean fast and loose...which can lead to a framed jersey that simply won’t stand the test of time. With little care to...

How to Frame a Shirt

We are often asked ‘How do you Frame a Shirt?’...simply put, there is no easy answer. But we’ve done our best to simplify the process into 5 manageable steps. So, here goes… 1 - Understand what is important to be displayed All of our bespoke framing jobs begin with a...

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