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*******NEW PRODUCT ALERT ********

*******NEW PRODUCT ALERT ********

Single Signed Premium Shirt Framing We are pleased to announce a brand new style of shirt framing which adds a sleek and 3d look to your favorite single signed shirts. We use a double mount at add great multi-colored effect which is brought towards the front of the...
Thanking Your Sponsors – Kingsway Rovers

Thanking Your Sponsors – Kingsway Rovers

If you’re ever helped, managed or played amateur sports at Junior or Adult level, you’re bound to know that financing the team is always a key issue. Whether it be collecting subs, buying equipment or even buying a kit, it can be expensive and difficult to...

How to Frame a Jersey for ‘Cheap’

One of the questions we’re continually asked is ‘How to frame a jersey for cheap?’ Cheap, as we’ve come to experience in our line of work can often mean fast and loose…which can lead to a framed jersey that simply won’t stand the test of time. With little care...

How to Frame a Shirt

We are often asked ‘How do you Frame a Shirt?’…simply put, there is no easy answer. But we’ve done our best to simplify the process into 5 manageable steps. So, here goes… 1 – Understand what is important to be displayed All of our bespoke framing jobs...
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